New website design + rebrand: Mc'Kenneth Licon
Creative Direction + Styling: Melissa Araujo
Photography + Assistant Creative Direction: M'c Kenneth Licon
Model: Courtney Thompson
Wearing: M-A Restless Collection
MUA: Ros

OMG!!!! I am so happy to announce our brand new website is live with two beautiful collections. The one featured today is our RESTLESS line, all made with bamboo jersey in Vancouver Canada. We are so proud of this work, it has been a long time coming but it is finally here!
I want to thank my friend & collaboratoM'c Kenneth for making my vision come true. Not only he has shot the collection, he has re-designed and re-branded the M-A website. We had a few hiccups along the way but we overcame and now it truly is how I envisioned: sleek, minimal and easy to navigate. He is a talent to be watched.

Thanks to friends, followers and supporters who continue to believe in me and in my work. I hope you will love the site and the new collections as much as I do. Please go to M-A to have look, let me know what you think and share it with friends. I continue to push myself to do better, to learn & grow from the lows and obstacles. And to enjoy the highs and positivity that comes along with being an independent designer and creative.


  1. Oh wow! So sleek and cool. Loving the new look M, really loving it. Off to check out M-A


  2. What a beautiful collection! Congratulations for your amazing work (:

    CM | XIII.

  3. I definitely love the pick-a-boos of the designs and their simplicity. Congratulations and I'm impatiently waiting for more!

  4. Hi Melissa ,

    I’m the Community Manager with Anagram Interactive, where we specialize in connecting established brands with prominent bloggers. We have partnered with Paperless Post for a recent campaign and think you would be a great fit for the service.

    We have seen your blog and admire your sense of style and your fashion know-how. You have thoughtful and engaging posts that make us want to come back for more. We were impressed with your knowledge of brands and your natural ability to create one-of-a-kind looks and would like to work with you for our Paperless Post campaign.

    We would like to offer you 800 digital Coins (a $80 value!) for free to try out Paperless Post’s innovative online service and write about your experience. Paperless Post’s Coins can be used for any digital invitations or digital cards on

    Paperless Post helps design custom online and paper stationery to reflect your personal style. The company has collaborated with decorated designers and lifestyle brands like Kate Spade New York, Oscar de la Renta, Jonathan Adler and many more.

    Paperless Post has successfully delivered over 85 million cards to date and we want to give you the opportunity to test it out. If you’re interested in this opportunity please let me know and we can show you how to get started.

    We look forward to hearing from you!
    Please write me at


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